THIS page last updated

January 15, 2024

Ruth Lovejoy says ...


The Drive Through

They F*CK you at the drive through.  Sure, it's a quote from Leo Getz in Lethal Weapon Two. 'Kay, okay, okay... but look here. They actually do. Possibly because of Leo, most of us check the bag before we drive away - particularly if we've been burned before. (No fries!!)

But go buy anything. Buy from the sale bin. Forget to watch the cashier, and bingo! Time to go back, fight it out, or more likely, concede that round.

Cancun Mess...

Answer. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id suscipit ex. Suspendisse rhoncus laoreet purus quis elementum. Phasellus sed efficitur dolor, et ultricies sapien. Quisque fringilla sit amet dolor commodo efficitur. Aliquam et sem odio. In ullamcorper nisi nunc, et molestie ipsum iaculis sit amet.

Question 3

Answer. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id suscipit ex. Suspendisse rhoncus laoreet purus quis elementum. Phasellus sed efficitur dolor, et ultricies sapien. Quisque fringilla sit amet dolor commodo efficitur. Aliquam et sem odio. In ullamcorper nisi nunc, et molestie ipsum iaculis sit amet.