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The Numb3r$ Game ... March 24, 2022

Where are all of the agencies who determine our financial breaks getting the numbers from to categorize us?
(Yeah, just finished taxes)

  • did ya hit the determining points for your GST rebate?
  • do you deserve free or assisted rates on XYZ?

SO, whenever a new incentive pops up, there is always a number associated to whether you qualify, In the case of Canada's Goods and Services Tax for example, if your gross household income is less than $50k, you will get a guess-timated percentage of said pittance back, on the assumption that you paid that much out in purchase taxes, on well - let's face it ANYTHING.

See, you're determined to be amongst the "midde class" depending upon an upper and lower wage bracket. These levels appear to be indiscriminate, and can seem very prejudicial. We're grouped by whether we have children, how many, whether both adults work .. all kinds of criteria that seem to have been established in the dark ages.

Where'$ My M0N3Y? (a Recycling rant) ... March 2023
The tax basin seems to disappear into a single purse. Makes it hard to know where the money went - or came from?
  • We keep getting sold on taxes to improve our behaviour.
  • Where does the money go? The problems are not being addressed.

Let me start with my favourite example...

♺ Recycling
I used to make balsa wood airplanes in my teenage years. Due to the cleaning of brushes from the "dope" and paints I used, I purchased Varsol pretty frequently. I went to buy some at the same paint store I'd been to before. It was a LOT more money. Why? Well, they had tacked on a tax for managing the container, and a disposal tax - I guess in case I didn't finish all of the contents?

Fast forward forty years to now. I am utterly frustrated by the recycling programme in Canada. We are constantly confronted with decisions about what we can and cannot recycle, where we take it - or does it just go in the blue box? Is it refundable? I figure my wife has a better handle on this than any person I know, and taken as a whole - she really has no idea!

With the number of dollars dropped into recycling in this country, we should not be able to purchase anything or have any product contained in a non-refundable or recyclable container. Which begs the extremely simple question: where's my money? Where's your money? There's no program for recycling that? How can that be possible? "Blue" trucks are taking stuff to the garbage dump? WTF?

And not to forget the contents of my Varsol. Just exactly where can I drop that off? If you go to most of the recycle centres in small town Canada, it'll end up in a catch-all that looks like the bubbling fester pit you would be shown in a horror movie.

Stupidity ... April 2024

It is quite likely I will at some point dedicate an entire section of my web site to Stupidity.

Far beyond a slight or slur, stupidity is a dangerous enemy of mankind, which has reared its head time and again throughout history. World leaders have referred to it, warning us in numerous guises against the insidious creep of stupidity. It is the easiest weapon of the greedy and evil to use against mankind, as it is well suited to the lazy, corrupt and unthinking.

Stupidity is most often voluntary. It allows the belief of contrary propositions. It facilitates "ease". Until it doesn't. Which raises the topic of belief itself. Belief is a manifestation of stupidity, and there are a great many platitudes and chestnuts referring to the adoption of belief. Belief is quite simply the adoption of an idea without permitting controversy, examination or debate.

Governments, religions, political groups, splinter factions employ belief in place of explanation. This may be hard to hear, and will certainly get many people's backs up... however, to permit belief over logic is to in fact behave stupidly. It's a hard sell. Excerpt from the study of stupidity:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Interned by the Nazi's for fighting against the regime (he was involved in a plot to kill Hitler), Dietrich Bonhoeffer was killed at a concentration camp two weeks before the prison encampment was liberated by the Allies. 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young pastor, argued that stupid people are more dangerous than evil ones. Bonhoeffer’s famous text serves any free society as a warning of what can happen when certain people gain too much power.

“One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and prevented by the use of force, against stupidity we are defenceless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here. Reasons fall on deaf ears.”

Facts that contradict a stupid person’s prejudgment simply need not be believed; and when they are irrefutable, they are pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this, the stupid person is self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.

For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. If we want to know how to get the better of stupidity, we must seek to understand its nature.

This much is certain, stupidity is in essence not an intellectual defect but a moral one. There are human beings who are remarkably agile intellectually yet stupid, and others who are intellectually dull yet anything but stupid.

The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect but that, under certain circumstances, people are made stupid or rather, they allow this to happen to them.

People who live in solitude manifest this defect less frequently than individuals in groups. And so it would seem that stupidity is perhaps less a psychological than a sociological problem.It becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power, be it of a political or religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. Almost as if this is a sociological-psychological law where the power of the one needs the stupidity of the other.The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, such as intellect, suddenly fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence and, more or less consciously, give up an autonomous position.

The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us from the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans, catchwords, and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and is abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil – incapable of seeing that it is evil.

“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”
Bonhoeffer once said. 

Albert Einstein

I have read a fair amount of Mr. Einstein's works - books, letters and thoughts. I would say that he was very hopeful of man's better inclinations prevailing. He does however perceive the enemy. 

"... the three great powers of stupidity, fear and greed."

Bertrand Russel

"The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always certain of themselves, while wiser people are full of doubts."

Russel uses different words, but is in fact referring to stupidity and belief with 'fools and fanatics'.

Carlo Maria Cipolla

In 1976, Professor Cipolla {Economist} published a 60-page essay describing the fundamental laws of a force he perceived as the greatest existential threat to humanity: stupidity. He divides humanity into four main categories: Intelligent, Bandit, Helpless, Stupid. 

First, there is the intelligent person, whose actions benefit both himself and others. 
Then comes the bandit, who gets rich at the expense of others. 
The abused, the helpless person's actions enrich others at his own expense. 
He then presents five laws of stupidity.

Law 1: Everyone always and inevitably underestimates the number of stupid people in circulation. No matter how many idiots you suspect you are surrounded by, you are invariably underestimating the total. This problem is compounded by the biased assumption that some people are intelligent because of superficial factors such as their job, education, or other characteristics that we believe rule out stupidity.

Law 2: The probability that a person is stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. Cipolla postulates that stupidity is a variable that remains constant in all populations. Every category you can imagine – gender, ethnicity, nationality, education, income – has a fixed percentage of stupid people. University professors can be stupid. There are US presidents who have been and/or are stupid.

Law 3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or group of people when he or she does not benefit and may even suffer losses. Cipolla calls it the golden law of stupidity. A stupid person, according to the economist, is a person who causes problems for others without any clear benefit for himself. 

Law 4: Non-stupid people always underestimate the destructive power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times, in all places, and under all circumstances, dealing and/or associating with stupid people is always a costly mistake. We underestimate idiots, and we do so at our peril. This brings us to the fifth and final law:

Law 5: A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. And its direct inference: a stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit. There is no defence against stupidity. The only way for a society to avoid being crushed by the burden of its idiots is for the non-stupid to work even harder to compensate for the losses of the stupid. 

So, I say ... where in our societal issues is this not true? Stupidity is cultivated strenuously by the wealthy. It clamours at us from our televisions and the multiple media forums available through the internet. False information is a business. It is disseminated carefully in places where it can be taken up and shared. It is used to numb us, to make us accept as the norm that which is unthinkable. But also to stimulate the growth of stupidity, which essentially propagates "on the ground troops" unknowingly fighting to preserve the wasteful greed of the wealthy.

Look at the Climate Crisis for example. There is so much misinformation that climate advocates are actually giving up in many examples. The idiocy surrounding electrification. We spend most of our lives interacting with electric or electrical devices, but spurn the idea of driving such a car? Sure, there are valid arguments and caveats about this. But how many are irrelevant once context is established? We spend fortunes trying to ameliorate concerns that make no sense to the vast majority. We are presented with fields full of windmills to tilt at!

Look at the ludicrous behaviour of the right wing American political party. Their willingness to back an idiot through pyramids of interlocking idiocy is astonishing. And can have only one aim: Power. And not power to correct. Power to the greedy. To the Bandits!

Customer Service ... June 2024

We'll make this more accessible ...

So most of you will have had interesting customer service episodes by now. As corporate profits increase, their attempt to ameliorate the concerns of customers have become increasingly feeble. Soon AI will be the only response we get. An automation telling us how terribly sorry they are that we're having a problem.

A great cartoon shows a dude on hold the phone. The bubble states, "Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line until your call is not longer important to you."

People 'working from home', makes this a much worse issue. They have no immediate contact with a supervisor, and indeed some of the materials they might require to solve tour issue are unavailable to them. 

Accountancy courses actually teach that quality control and customer service can be applied gently, as the number of people who actually return an item is less than ten percent. Meaning, selling untested crap is cheaper than manufacturing a reliable product. 

Additionally, personal experience has taught me the name brands are bought and sold, without notice to the consumer. I have purchased a (previously) top brand - had it fail, and found out it WAS made in China, but the brand has since been repatriated.... HOWEVER, they do not support their product for the period it was made off shore. And make no mistake, the brand name, nor the logo ever changed. 

I've also had representatives get angry at me because they did not understand very plainly expressed issues. This is particularly enjoyable. This has happened with HUGE names like Microsoft, GoDaddy, and - of all places - the Government of Canada. In two cases, after being patient for hours on the phone, I was hung up on when the representative recognised they were not going to solve my problem. You can bet that is to bolster a statistic of some sort! 

Most recently, we had a "roofing company" comprised of young men re-shingle our roof. They ignored direct instructions, only did the shingling part of the job - the easy bit they had learned quickly - and can't understand why we were mad at them due to our roof leaking the very day they 'finished'. Stand well back from me so you don't get any on you when my brain explodes.

Roofers ... December 2024

But they're not, are they?

We have not been pleased with either of our roofing experiences. We believed we had learned from the first one, but still had a bad time this fall. 
The problem as we see it is, these people are not roofers - they are shinglers! I have done several roofs myself over the years. I can see why it is a hard industry to keep workers. It's either hot or cold up there; and it is hard work. However, when a homeowner contacts them to do a roof, it is not usually because they want to change the colour!
Our shingles were only eight years old, but installed by amateurs. The ROOFs are much older. We asked our guy if they were prepared to do any necessary repair work. Of course they were. An additional facet of our decision to hire them was they called themselves a Construction company - not a roofing company. Before they started, both during their visit to quote, and upon arrival to work, we pointed out our expectations, and problem areas. 
My only real ask was to see the naked roof before they applied any surface. They did not. They also left old paper on, thinking that was a favour. Due to this, a section of rot was missed. Additionally, they were unsure what to do about flashings and cement/brickwork around the chimneys. They left me to work on that stuff.
So who should we be calling? Are those not components of a decent ^&*% roof job? 

Conspiracy Theories ... February 2025

"Conspiracy Theories are like the cheat codes to computer games"

I read this in the past several months. It made such sense to me. I have the experience of a troubled teenager who was intentionally useless, in a self-defining way. He used his money to buy cheat codes for the games he played. But having those codes means you cannot ever be stopped (killed) by the natural processes of the game. It becomes more of an interactive movie you get to wind your way through. Bizarrely, it seems to have the effect of making these people enjoy a sense of accomplishment.

The analogue here is that, rather than learn about a subject thoroughly enough to have an educated theory, you snag onto one of the thousands of cheat code, I mean conspiracy theories circulating on social media. See, education is hard. You have to stick with it. Dig deep. Understand things outside the obvious scope of the topic. But these conspiracy theories are clever. People with good imaginations can come up with lots of bullshit that is attractive to uneducated minds. Ridiculously, some of the inventors of this crap are very clever - they just would rather deploy their intelligence towards seeing "their version" go viral; or more harmfully, they may be paid to seed distrust and dissension. Ironically, the truth that there are highly paid groups of individuals in numerous countries who ARE enemies of the freedom we love to tout, employed to churn out propaganda IS VIEWED as a conspiracy theory by many conspiracy theorists.

So, returning to my kid in the top paragraph. He is now a full grown conspiracy theorist who has grabbed onto every convenient tale that integrates with his world view. "I'm not wrong, I can prove it... " And does he ever enjoy a sense of being right where so many others are wrong. 
The best aspect of him and others I have had the misfortune of knowing, is they cannot be argued with. They have a handy theory for every segment of their thought process, and will shut you down with a neener-neener argument without so much as a hearing. Sadly it is a self-fulfilling prophesy, for the more they 'learn' the more they seek similar fodder. If you really want to know the answer to a question, don't go looking with an answer already in mind! Make a point of seeking alternate points of view. And be especially careful you are not mistaking data for information.

Is Donald Trump Dead? ... February 2025

Is Donald Trump dead?

Take a moment to consider this...

  • He wears an inexplicable shit-load of make-up. 
  • His wife is repulsed by his touch. 
  • He seems lost or in a daze. 
  • His eyes look dead. 

He cannot stay on a topic - rather rambles off into strange places, or falls back upon tired clichés from speeches he previously made. Much of his "ruminating" comes from way out in left field. Pave the Rose Garden? Know any machine that is more at home on grass than solid ground? Only ones with wheels. His movements are slow, methodical - predictable. His dance step, his fear of descending a long ramp? Not knowing how to close an umbrella? Strolling aimlessly after he finishes a speech? 

Machine learning only goes as far as the machine's programmers have pre-conceived. Consider Musk's cars running over people of colour and people outside of crosswalks. These are not errors the machines are making, rather holes in the learning they were programmed with. What do machines and computers do when they get to the end of the program? Think about it.

We have a figure head for a movement, the choice of whom can only be explained by a complex algorithm. His imperfection makes him attractive to a huge proportion of Americans. But he died. Ask yourself: do we have the technology to animate a hollowed out corpse?

His movements: his speech. These can all be attributed to robotics, machine learning and AI. Fumbling words? Loosing the plot? Changed priorities over his last Presidency - back when he was still alive? 

Now ask yourself - to obvious appearances,  who  is running the country? Who, despite his power and riches cannot run to be President? Well by Jimminy if it isn't the guy who bought the presidency and himself a right-hand seat. Who could afford - and indeed has direct access to these technologies? Who has used the voice of the erstwhile leader to appoint the biggest collection of shmoes to cabinet ever? We live in a world where fiction has become truth, and  truth an individual preference . I believe America is being run by a literal puppet leader. 

And why not just admit he's died? Well, again: think about it. This image is attractive enough to a majority of voting Americans to get the top job, despite - or more likely BECAUSE of a litany of flaws. Do you just throw away such an appealing icon? Not smart business. And with the technologies available, dead guy equals only an inconvenience. When did he die? Watch the multitude of video. You decide. So, as I repeatedly state;  think about it . Maybe even fret about it? Life imitates art. Now  this  is a conspiracy that is easily achievable with a limited number of participants, and just makes sense.

Lastly, let me say this - if this seems cray-crazy to you, you are probably sane. Consequently let's do our best to make this go viral. His conspiracy theory loving acolytes will shit themselves. If you want some interesting and easy study of this notion; watch the movie Dave, and the second series of the show The Capture.